MARVEL Future Fight アプリのレビュー


戦闘バランス悪くてストレスたまる。 新参お断りコンテンツばかり、アップデートは改悪ばかり、対戦は皆同じキャラクターしか使わない、まるで面白くない。 どうしようもない駄作。




アプデ確認中からネットワークエラーでできない あげくメンテ中とでたり、でなかったり。 頑張ってんだけど、固まる、落ちるで今回のアプデ期待だったんだけど… 運営さん頼みますよ


ネットワークエラーが出ちゃって読み込まず起動しないですー! エラーコードSIGN-0x194です! ネットワークエラーの報告してから もう1ヶ月以上経ってます。 なかなか対応してくださらないのですねー。




面白いけど、最近インフレしすぎな気が… 課金キャラとかは、しょうがないけど、好きなキャラとかじゃなかなか対戦とか勝てへん?? Newコスチュームとか期待してますぜ!


フリーズがかなり多いです。 このゲーム大好きなので早めの対応をお願いします。


worst game


プレイ初めから、様々な場面での課金要求がえげつない。 課金ガチャでヒーロー獲得なんて幾らかかるかわかったもんじゃない。手を出さない方がいいですよ。


ノヴァとアンチマンは、無課金者は完全に獲得不能じゃない? とうとう、不可能コンテンツを出して来ましたね。 自身多少課金はしてますが、デイリー生体データでも獲得できない時点で、マジで意味がわからない。 経営陣の、ビジネス根性が素晴らしい。

Remove Loot Boxes

Yo have just introduced gambling to this game. This application is one of the most successful and popular Marvel IOS games in the App Store. You already forced us to spend money on bio subscriptions to get the best characters. You forced us to spend a huge amount of crystals to get Magneto to finish an epic quest. And now you just gave us loot boxes. We now have to spend money just to have an incredibly small chance at getting Nova or Anti man, etc. You spat on us. We anticipated the awesome new characters that were going to be added this update. But you spat on our faces by giving us loot boxes and trying to get us to gamble. Remove the loot boxes or Netmarble will never get a single dime from me or any other player ever again. Remove this bullcrap. Your player base is extremely disappointed in you Netmarble. We will boycott pay to play practices until you remove gambling from this game. That is the only solution. PS. You guys made it even worse when you tried to bribe us. Where is your sense of honor?


プレミアムヒーローはランダム式のガチャ要素?が入って来て育てられないので、そろそろ止め時かなあと。 やったらやった分だけ報われる仕組みだったから好きだったんですけどねー。。。


運営が迷走しています キャラガチャは廃止してください 廃止しなければ今後一切の課金を控えます。 今までは良いゲームだったのに残念です!

Predatory Business Tactics in this App

This App has been going downhill since update 3.5.0, but the current update, 3.6.0 is an all new low. New characters are hidden behind a loot box, which is a grand departure from previous updates which allowed you to either straight up purchase the character you wanted or earn them from actual play as rewards. The new chest, Ultimates Hero Chest has a price tag of 4,500. Since yo can’t just buy 4,500 crystals you’d either need to purchase the big one for $100 or a few smaller ones to make up the difference. It is, however on sale for a limited time for 1,750 crystals or about $60 (price dependent on your physical location), but keep in mind that you won’t be able to get the character you want or the five shown prominently on the cover, as you are purchasing the “chance” to acquire anyone of those heroes, and let me tell you, they are not alone! They are mixed in with more than 100 characters from the game you can all get for free over time via regular play! Sadly this chest isn’t the only one offering premium goods mixed among other items obtained via regular play. Chests for team enhancing cards and character enhancing gear are also hidden behind these disgusting loot crates with exuberant price tags. For two years, this game was pretty straight forward. Items had price tags, and when you paid for something, you knew what you were going to get. That’s not the case now, as with each update, Netmarble has been taking more and more steps towards slot machine purchase selection. Gamers can no longer buy what they want. Nope. Your money can now only purchase the chance to get what you want. Disgusting! These loot boxes for cards, gears and characters need to go. Until then stay away from this game. Be extra careful if you allow your children to play or if you have a gambling addiction, as it is so easy to purchase again and again, not realizing how much debt you’re incurring.

Say NO to gambling

Remove the gambling aspect of this game net marble and make it a 5 star game again!!


アップデートで散々批難されながらも 1回2000円程もするガチャ限定キャラ実装を強行しといて、翌日には一般プレイでも獲得可能にしました。 挙句、変更前までにガチャを回した人への返金は半額しかしないと発表しました。 今まで大好きなゲームでしたが正直幻滅です。




2年半もの間、キャラクター入手にかかる対価は明示されており、好きなキャラクターを手に入れて育成するのに運に頼る必要がないという点で他のモバイルゲームと違いがあり、そういった姿勢を支持して課金してきましたが、今になってキャラガチャの導入はゲームを支持してきたユーザーへの侮辱です。 強力な強化アイテムを入手するためのガチャが導入された際には私は批判しませんでした。強化アイテムはファンに愛されるMarvelのキャラクターとは違います。 好きなMarvelのキャラを入手いくせするのにリアルマネーで換算すれば1万円以上かかるガチャを強要するのが今後のやり方ならこのゲームの魅力は無くなったも同然です。 日本人には身近ではないかもしれませんがMarvelのファンには未成年もいるのですよ。ディズニー、マーベル、ネットマーブルらは子供たちが好きなコミックのキャラクターで遊ぶのにギャンブルを強要するのですか? 批判を受けて対応をされていますがクリスタルの配布やガチャは残したままで、新たな入手方法も結局ガチャ無しには不可能に近い非効率な方法です。 キャラガチャの撤廃と限定キャラを月定額課金内に含めるといった現実的な対応がされない限りレビューの星は1のままにしたいと思います。 もしくはユーザーも一回1000円払えば星5レビューを入手できる「チャンス」を提供すべきでしょうか。

Becoming too greedy!

Was a great game! (And still is in various ways) Have spent a decent amount of money and time playing! But the game has slowly been going downhill. My first “that’s it I’m out!” moment was when they introduced the ability to rank up uniforms. Spending so much time, effort and real money (if you so desired) ranking up a uniform. Only to have it replaced with a new one in a few patches, was and still is extremely frustrating. This along with many other things has slowly brought this game down. The latest debacle is a new hero box where characters can be obtained at random (with REAL money). Though games like this already exist, it was a blatant cash grab from Netmarble. Praying on the weakness of people with gambling tendencies. Gambling should never have been allowed in gaming in the first place. This era of gaming... this business model... will come to an end soon I’m sure. People have had enough! Netmarble have added the ability to get these new characters from an in game mechanic for free but only after a huge backlash from the Mobirum and Reddit communities. There are probably others banding together, but these are the only two forums I frequent for this game. In closing I still enjoy playing and will continue to play with my favorite characters; there are a lot to choose from. But my gaming time has been drastically reduced and I will not be spending any more money until this whole thing has been rectified. I wouldn’t encourage anyone else to spend money either. Thanks for reading!

Money grab

Used to be a great game, community and netmarble an honorable company but last few updates have become a casino. Shame to see the game become terrible!!!

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