Buy DC Legends Instead!! No Money needed!!
This is is designed specifically to make players pay money. Ive tried for well over a YEAR to get anywhere without money, and its just not possible. The Epic Events are rediculous, and I have been trying to do the Doctor Strange Epic Event and Still havent for 75% through it because the research aspect of the event is litterally iimpossible without PAYING money to pass it.
Bottom line? Buy DC Comics DC Legends. Why? Because their Epic Events last a week, and you actually see a return on your time for playing. I have not spent a dime on DC Legends and I enjoy it far more because I dont have to spend money to get anywhere with it. It takes some time to play yes, but at least you see gradual leveling up, instead of playing for months or an entire year just to see one character get anywhere.
Phayntom about MARVEL Future Fight, v3.2.0