Please NM, read. I know it’s long. It’s worth it.
Quite honestly I first picked the rating of 1 star to get some sort of attention as I actually sat at wanting to rate the game at either a 2 or 3, leaning towards 3. The longer I went here, the more I support this 1. As I type up this review it saddens me. I have played this game from the beginning and I have enjoyed almost every minute of it. That is until these past few updates. First with the ultimates characters, when everyone was expecting at least one monstrous character and at least one paywall character. What we got though, was one 100% paywall and 3 others that are so hard to obtain naturally they may as well be paywall characters as well. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve spent money so paywall characters aren’t problems. The problem is that they used to come 1 every 10 characters. Now, they 1 of 2 if not every character in the update. The updates following the ultimates were one that included a character so far out of reach for free to play gamers that most of the players that pay regularly started boycotting. He’s only owned by top tier players. Then a character that many waited for came and they made her avail even through an event battle that essentially helped us get her to 5 stars (barely) out of 6, then we were on our own from there. However this update reads where the 3 new characters are all paywall, then 2 of the 3 uniforms are more expensive that all of the others (with exception to a few), then the 3rd looks to be the game’s first of many more to come, a paywall uniform. This game has evolved from pushing out uniforms and characters to make the game more fun to a VERY hungry, VERY thirsty, VERY obvious cash grab. Look, Netmarble please pay attention to this sentence of all. You may keep the source of most of your revenue in the game (the whales), but you’re killing off everyone else. When you eliminate the players who these whales so proudly rule over by spending their money to help them do, they will only be amongst other whales and this will lead to them cannibalizing each other till the game dies. Sorry for casual readers, but this needed to be said.
King Leech about MARVEL Future Fight, v3.8.0