Fantastic game, addictive, very expensive
I love this game and Ive been playing it since before age of ultron came out, and I have probably spent $100 of real life money in this game. That testifies to how fun and how expensive this game is. The in game currency is 100 crystals for a dollar, but you need to spend at the very least 750 crystals buy any one uniform, but the tony starks stash is a good deal if you sign in every day. On an unrelated note, netmarble, putting 3 uniforms on sale for 25% off is not considered a "uniform blowout sale", dont get people excited.
As for that 100 bucks, its been what, 3 years? So thats roughly $30 a year which isnt that bad but its also enough to pay for both Netflix and Hulu for a month. Overall, highly suggest, I just wish netmarble would make it cheaper but why would they? Theres basically no incentive, marvel fans are like sheep, I know because I am one
what am I, made of money? about
MARVEL Future Fight, v3.8.0