Netmarble! Do you hear me? You have destroyed what was once an amazing and fair game to play. The most recent update is going to be the death of this game if something does not change. The ultimate boxes are unforgivable and unacceptable, RNG is fine but NOT for characters! You have crossed a line that nobody in the community is ok with, I spend money monthly but never again will I spend money on this game, ever. I will boycott this game until this greasy company makes things right. I am beyond furious by this shady move by Netmarble, and I am not the only one. There is a petition already started it is growing and it will get noticed. Fix our game, do not let this game die because your greed. #BoycottFF
MARVEL Future Fight App Reviews
Best Marvel Game
I’ve been playing this game since it came out two years ago and I can’t wait to get the black panther’s new suit and I also can’t wait the update that follows after. Marvel Future Fight Rules??????????????
Absolutely love this game!
Love this game so much. Has everything could want in a superhero fighting game. Get to build and upgrade each character you choose constantly update the game to the movies coming out. Endless possibilities 150 characters choose from. Easy enough gameplay to jump right in and always getting free gifts. Don’t need to buy anything just keep playing and you can unlock anything without having keep buying stuff which is a huge plus to me
Use to be great
They have turned a great game into a money grab. Every great character is now behind a paywall. The updates lack anything new or interesting.
don’t get me wrong, i love this app but i can’t seem to update it at all.... i’m not sure if it’s a glitch or what. please tell me what’s wrong.
On the fence
Love playing this game. Been over 2.5 years. But the cash grab anymore actually astounds me. Every update I don’t think they have a new way of scamming, but I get a surprise every time.... That said, if you like RPGand don’t need everything in the game, it is a really fun grind working the characters up. Give it a shot.
Can’t get update
Too many in-app purchases
I’ve been playing this game for a good amount of time. The graphics are really good and the gameplay is smooth. There is just one problem that I’m sure others have already complained about. Yes, all the characters you have to pay for. MFF was a very balanced game, but now it gives an advantage to those who choose to pay for the stronger characters. I would like if you made it to where there was an alternate way to get the pay characters, like at least having the choice to use gems instead of real money.
Greedy sickness
90% new featured content needs real money to unlock! FAKE PROMOTION! Edited 3.0: 4 updates in a row have 8 premium characters and only 3 free characters. Get away before you start the game.
Please NM, read. I know it’s long. It’s worth it.
Quite honestly I first picked the rating of 1 star to get some sort of attention as I actually sat at wanting to rate the game at either a 2 or 3, leaning towards 3. The longer I went here, the more I support this 1. As I type up this review it saddens me. I have played this game from the beginning and I have enjoyed almost every minute of it. That is until these past few updates. First with the ultimates characters, when everyone was expecting at least one monstrous character and at least one paywall character. What we got though, was one 100% paywall and 3 others that are so hard to obtain naturally they may as well be paywall characters as well. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve spent money so paywall characters aren’t problems. The problem is that they used to come 1 every 10 characters. Now, they 1 of 2 if not every character in the update. The updates following the ultimates were one that included a character so far out of reach for free to play gamers that most of the players that pay regularly started boycotting. He’s only owned by top tier players. Then a character that many waited for came and they made her avail even through an event battle that essentially helped us get her to 5 stars (barely) out of 6, then we were on our own from there. However this update reads where the 3 new characters are all paywall, then 2 of the 3 uniforms are more expensive that all of the others (with exception to a few), then the 3rd looks to be the game’s first of many more to come, a paywall uniform. This game has evolved from pushing out uniforms and characters to make the game more fun to a VERY hungry, VERY thirsty, VERY obvious cash grab. Look, Netmarble please pay attention to this sentence of all. You may keep the source of most of your revenue in the game (the whales), but you’re killing off everyone else. When you eliminate the players who these whales so proudly rule over by spending their money to help them do, they will only be amongst other whales and this will lead to them cannibalizing each other till the game dies. Sorry for casual readers, but this needed to be said.
I’ve been a Marvelhead since birth, so to see an actual game where you can play as each different character with crazy stupid abilities and skills is dope. Yeah it costs money, yeah it takes time but the fact that it’s constantly adding new characters or battles is simply dope. I deleted MCOC for this with a quickness & I’ve put some money on that game but this one makes every single penny worth it which makes it dope. The excitement of getting your characters up to their strongest and introducing characters that even cartoons haven’t introduced yet is simply once again dope. I don’t write reviews on things because I usually don’t care but this has gotten my respect & my wallet but besides that keep it up cause you guys are simply ...... Dope.
What once was...
This game used to be fun and the monthly subscriptions were reasonable for a something you’d play a lot but now... everything new requires quite a bit more than a the monthly sub. To top it off, they’re not updated much needed areas of the game that haven’t been touched since inception. The pvp system is just busted and is mind numbingly boring as you’ll be playing against the same OP toons over and over with little to no variation. The biggest culprit being quicksilver, Spider-Man (homecoming uni though that’s easy enough to get around), Jean grey, wolverine, dr strange and that’s about it. The devs have turned greedy and that’s pretty much been the cause of decline for this once great game. Time to move on I guess. TTyL
Greed, greed, and more greed.
The latest updates have added nothing but Pay-to-Win trash. Older characters have been left in the dust, and over half the roster is literally unusable for most game modes. Now, the last 2 updates specifically, have contained (literally) nothing but paywalled characters and overpriced costumes. This one takes the cake, though, locking a costume behind an expensive “package” paywall. This is no longer a game for any new player to pick up, and I can’t recommend it to anyone.
You guys just don’t get it.
So now everyone is behind a paywall on the new update. And the new black panther suit is behind a 5,500 crystal pay way which is $100 in real money. This deliberate grab for money is sick.
Once upon a time......
Used to be a great game but greed has killed it for me. About a year ago now they changed the structure to where it is almost impossible to get anything without charging a small fortune. I have spent anywhere from 200-300 dollars on this game but I refuse to line the pockets of the corporate mongers anymore. What once was fun is now suppressed by greed and I fear I am done with this game if it doesn’t change.
Cash grab
Loved this game for almost a year then each new update came with a new paywall character. Used to be a happy medium I got free characters and I had to pay for some. Now it’s just a lot of new pay characters new ones every update. New players can’t ever catch up without dumping tons of money into the game from the onset.
What happened to the FF I knew? #RateMFF1Star and #UltimateCashGrab
At one point in time this was one of my favorite and most recommendable games (mobile or otherwise). Now, it’s pointless to even play. If you are a looking for a Marvel game to play this isn’t it. It’s a quickly dying cash grab at this point. There’s no feedback from the developers, they don’t care about the players, and it’s like they don’t even play their own game. Look at Contest of Champions (a game I haven’t played since it first came out) they have way better customer/developer feedback. It’s really sad. This used to be my favorite game. I’ve been playing since week 2 almost everyday. I guess everything has to die eventually. Hopefully a new game will come out that captures this ones original sentiment.
Money Hungry !
This Game Was Great Until Every Good New Character That Comes Out Is Almost Impossible If Not Completely Impossible To Get Without Spending Crazy Money. And This Black Panther Update Is Another Example Of That. Smh You Guys Need To Do Better 85% Or More Of The People That Play This Game Don’t Have $50 Or More To Spend Every Time Y’all Decide To Make A New Update. Truly Disappointed!
Only want your money, the fun is gone
This game used to be great. But now the developers are money hungry pigs. Each recent update has released content that’s only available if you spend money. Most games allow you to progress and gain content through continued play. This game has now shifted away from that model and has adopted the new philosophy of charging you extra for content. Stay away.
Waste of time
This game used to be so good, but now it’s just a waste of time and money. Im just tired and disappointed by their asinine updates. The developers dont care. Their complete lack of passion really shows. If they cared, they would add unique and interesting content (not characters). But no, they add trivia. Why would anyone who downloaded a fighting game want trivia?? Im just done. I cant even wait for Infinity Wars. I hate saying that because I want to continue to love this game but its just become so boring and stale and theyve just become money hungry pigs and I just cant. This game is gonna die soon anyway and I really dont want to watch it die like I had to watch MAA2 die. Im done.
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